What is Play Therapy?
Play therapy is a developmentally appropriate approach used by mental health professionals to communicate with children and help them resolve psychosocial difficulties.
Why play?
Play is a child's natural method of expression and way of making sense of the world. Even very verbal children can have difficulty articulating their thoughts and feelings, but will express them through play.
How does it work?
The child leads the way! In play therapy sessions, children are given the space and tools to explore and express what is on their minds. They are able to move at a pace that feels most comfortable for them, in a safe and accepting environment. Through careful attunement and responses to the play, the therapist gains an understanding of the child’s inner world. The child is supported in processing and making sense of their experiences, and increasing awareness of their feelings.
Who can benefit?
Research has shown play therapy to be an effective mental health intervention for children ages 3 to 12 with a variety of emotional and behavioral challenges. Visit The Association for Play Therapy website for more information.